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cube red

The RED subscription finds the perfect middle ground for those looking to get access to CUBE's research alongside group chat access & quarterly 1v1 meetings.


quarterly cubefolio reports

yearly market outlooks

exclusive podcasts &  investment guides

monthly stock reports & models

Quarterly 1v1


onboarding portfolio consultation

weekly markets newsletter



group chat


the netflix of
investment content

Newsletter &
Investment Updates

Investment Guides
& Podcasts


Receive a weekly newsletter on the markets every Monday alongside investment updates as CUBE navigates the markets

Over 250 pages of investment guides on types of trades, retirement, options, fundamental analysis, technical analysis, and more every month. You also have hours of audio content all at your fingertips

See everything CUBE is invested in with over 100 pages of commentary on our holdings, watchlist, and performance updates delivered every quarter

Yearly Market Outlooks

Every year, CUBE issues a 100+ page document covering the 'Good, Bad, Ugly' of the world economy. In addition to where we see major opportunities, what we're most bullish/bearish on, and so much more.

Onboarding Call

Private Livestreams

After joining, you will schedule a 1-2 hour meeting with CUBE to go over your portfolio, investment goals, and any questions you may have.

CUBE goes live privately via Zoom to answer questions members have, go over financial models, analyze charts and earnings, have back and forth debates, etc.

Group Chat

Stock Research Reports
& Financial Models

Quarterly 1v1

Surround yourself with nearly 200 individuals from all over the world. These conversation aren't about penny stocks but rather long-term investing ideas, the greater macroeconomy, networking opps, and more. We don't call it the CUBE Family for nothing!

Every month, CUBE issues a 30+ page stock research report and financial model with our price targets. Members also have access to all of the ones issued in the past.

Red members touch base with CUBE every quarter to ensure goals are being met, discuss any tweaks that need to be made, etc.

What is not included in Red?

  • Custom-built requested financial models

    • Only Blue has access​

see what cube is investing in

Wall Street Experience

We are coming at you with Wall Street backgrounds and certifications. It's time Main Street gets access to Wall Street quality.

Gain insight on new investment ideas

Sometimes the hardest part of investing is coming up with new ideas to execute on. Subscribing will definitely take care of that problem!

Great value

Don't trip over dollars, picking up pennies. CUBE was formed to equip you with the knowledge needed to avoid making costly errors in the market. An investment in yourself and your education pays the highest rate.

No contracts or cancellation fees

You know us here at CUBE. What you see is what you get, so no need to fret over hidden fees or anything.

what's cube's strategy?

We use both fundamental and technical analysis in our decision making. 


The CUBEFolio is not a trading group. The portfolio is comprised mainly of long-term holds.


In our commentary section of the CUBEFolio prospectus, you will know exactly why we like a company, how long we plan on owning the company for, why we shorted a specific company, if a company breaks a certain resistance level what we plan on doing and much more.

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